An Interview with the Batgirl of the SDCC panels
Brilliant, Brilliant blog post FAO @stevenmoffatt
Chris Haley is... The Enthusiast!
Comic-Con announcement reaction-o-rama!
Cookie Baking Bitch: Untitled
DC Comics Listens to Batgirl, Makes Changes
DC Comics makes statement on female characters, creators
The first female superheroes
Ladies Making Comics: Untitled
Ladies Making Comics: Untitled (2)
Ladies Making Comics: Untitled (3)
Ladies Making Comics: Untitled (4)
'League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Century, 1969': The Story Isn't There
Multiversity 101: The DCnU vs. Diversity - Myths and Realities
The New DC and Women (Other People Have Said It Better, But I Wanted To Type.)
on voodoo, ron marz, black women, & comics [somebody call sandman sims]
Petition: "DC Comics: Hire More Women-- Here's A Few To Get You Started"
Post Mortem on the Whole Con Thing
The Power Within
ProFile Friday: Melinda Gebbie
Project: DCnU Ladyprojects
Samantha Newark (JEM!) Album Cover Contest!
San Diego Comic-Con Cosplay Spotlight: Gender Bent Justice League
SCOOP: What really happened at the infamous Dan DiDio/Hire More Women incident
SDCC Fallout: Lois Lane, Female Creators and DC Comics
Sexism, Courage and Heroism: truth to power isn't bullying
So, wait a second.
There Are Actually LESS Female Characters In The DC Relaunch Than There Are Now
Total Randomness: Untitled
Total Randomness: Untitled (2)
We Hear You
Wherein I talk about Wonder Woman’s underpants.
Women and comics - the best of frienemies
Women Comic Book Creators Find a Home on Kickstarter
Women in Comics: The New 52 and the Batgirl of San Diego
Women in the DCnU - more or less? Why it matters and who cares?
Yes, Actually, I Do
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